100 Day Commitment to Evolving

Creating Transformational Habits
and Breaking Through Upper Limits

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Your Challenge Begins
February 22, 2021...
Save Your Place Today!

How to BREAK Out of The Good Girl Prison...
Embrace Your Truth in 8 Weeks – 
Release The People Pleasing, Perfectionism, 
and Submissive Obedience 

... without second-guessing if you made the right decision
and releasing any fear of judgment, guilt or shame....

p.s. your Rebel is calling; it's time to unsubscribe to that archaic model, for good!

The #1 Proven System in Creating A Multi-Dimensional Life
Proven By Thousands of Women Who Alchemize Their Emotions Into Strength and Power
Women, Like Yourself, Who Refuse To Settle with Relationship Breadcrumbs, Broken Promises
or Being Given The Cold Stare To Be Poised, Collected, and To Shut Her Mouth

How to BREAK Out of The Good Girl Prison...
Embrace Your Truth in Weeks – 
Shed the Bonds of Pleasing, Perfectionism, 
and Submissive Obedience 

... without second-guessing if you made the right decision
while releasing any fear of judgment or sense of loss....

p.s. your Rebel is calling; it's time to unsubscribe to that archaic model, for good!

The #1 Proven System in Creating A Multi-Dimensional Life
Proven By Thousands of Women that Alchemize Their Emotions Into Strength and Power
Women, Like Yourself Who Refuse To Settle with Relationship Breadcrumbs, Broken Promises
or Being Given Snide Glare 
To Be Poised, Collected, 
and To Shut Her Mouth

You will be provided the complete system of how to stand firm in unshakable courage, clarity, and focus to reach forward into the unknown future.
An experience of how to peel back the layers 
of good girl conditioning...
- to cancel the subscription once and for all...

... For the Divine Woman Ready to Leap Into a World of Abundance

You will be provided the complete system of how to stand firm in unshakable courage, clarity, and focus to reach forward into the unknown future.
An experience of how to 
peel back the layers of 
good girl conditioning...
- to cancel the subscription once and for all...

... For the Divine Woman Ready to Leap Into a World of Abundance

This Is Your Invitation to...
The Triquetra Collection
Ignite Your Soul and Create a Life 
Deeply Connected to Spirit, Your Heart, 
and Your Body in Complete Alignment
This is the Behind-the-Scenes Advantage
Hundreds of Women have applied into their life
escaping the feeling of overwhelm, getting out of toxic situations
and the keys to experience unlocking the next level of transformation

The world is waiting on You...

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it. Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister YOUR call is waiting...

Write it. Film it. Design it. 
Publish it. Bake it.
Whatever it is... CREATE.

Sister YOUR Call is waiting...

If just part of the web vibrates...
         ...if there's trouble, we all understand it. 

Join Our Tribe, in this adventure-
You DESERVE this. 

Unsubscribe to the endless cycle of feeling like an unpaid side-piece
OR settling for receiving pennies on the dollar in a society that devalues 
and underpays you for the value in which you contribute
meanwhile very few people appreciate- all the things YOU do...

➸ The Triquetra Collection is Your Answer...

The Syncing Formula- is the foundation
providing you the detailed process 
of how to align your body on a 28-day cyclical rhythm
complete with The Synced eBook Blueprint of how to implement the Syncing Formula

Integration And Expression- is the self-awareness
providing you the 4 aligned steps to move out of the 8 Good Girl Conditioning
complete with the Unbound by Expectation eBook Blueprint

Combining all this with the online software app - is the transformation
inviting you to shift any self-defeating stories, negative beliefs and toxic patterns
into perspectives of power by simply answering chat prompt questions...

➦ Here's What You'll Get to Experience... 

 Connect and bond with powerful women who also are committed to daily work to become free from over-thinking, burning the candle at each end, and self-depleting cycles, through our exclusive:
Alpha Warrior Women Tribe - Private Group
 Over $11 Million dollars has been invested into this software since 2012 to create the life that your heart and mind are craving, you’ll receive instant access with the The Syncing Formula…
... empowering you Immediately to Beging Creating What You’re Learning

 How to break free from a negative thought loop when every human being will inevitably get caught in one
 ​You’ll tap into the extreme power of habit tracking that turns your desire for more discipline into a daily achievement board for you to keep moving forward. 
 Your Personal Syncing Formula Calendar, along with why it is crucial that women begin to align their bodies with their menstrual cycles to achieve a life that is harmonious and filled with laughter, joy and bliss
 Unlock the hidden potential of your own online business or move up the corporate ladder and achieve the lifestyle success that you're wanting to create driven by the motivation of your entire heart space
 Proven systems and strategies get the behind the curtain concepts on how to work ON your business vs being INSIDE your business daily; so that the business supports you, rather than you feeling consumed like quicksand every time you move
 Create Wild Audacious Dreams start at getting clear of where you are and then, open up your imagination to set clear and inspiration goals for your future with a systemized blueprint to where you want to go. 
 And, much more...

Receive Clarity on the Direction you are going in life, and how to align 
your compass 
in moving forward

Create lasting transformation in all areas of your life- speaking your mind, your thoughts, and all of your feels

Reclaim your time, mental whitespace, and creativity to be inside present moments with your entire whole presence

Receive Clarity on the Direction you are going in life, and how to align 
your compass 
in moving forward.

Reduce the stress of feeling overwhelmed with technology and create lasting transformational changes for your audience

Reclaim your time, mental whitespace, and creativity to be inside present moments with your entire whole presence

Inspire Meaningful Transformation.

Inspire Meaningful Transformation.

From the Desk of: Lisa Anne

Dear Fellow Sister, 

Re: How To Focus On The Horizon in Moving Forward

Most soul-driven women (mistakenly) believe that...

To build a thriving life it requires to be suffering in isolation, checking off the list of boxes, to be loved, to be seen, to be heard, along with grueling hours until 3am to meet strict deadlines, and unable to have any free time, unless it's after months of sacrifice

... only to feel after she's done all this, she's left empty handed and broken hearted, with mix of feeling guilt, shame, and blame that she's just not able to reach some invisible bar. 

Well, let me break this myth

this is so far from the TRUTH.

... where the truth remains:

by creating clear directional pathways from where you are allows you to begin the process of stepping towards where you want to BE...

... being deeply rooted with God, the Universe, Source, your Higher Self that is welcoming you into the unknown future 

without feeling like you're in 'chase mode' attempting to tie shoe laces on a two year old. 

this opens you up emotionally, mentally, physically - and more importantly, to embrace your creativity 

and actually have time in your day, week, and month 
to create a life beyond your wildest imaginations. 

and with this, comes unlocking a life of greater alignment and fulfillment then you ever have believed was possible.

Creating a meaningful impact and reclaiming your time 

so this no longer feels like a distant dream when you're trying to figure out "all-the-things" in living this route, and quite possibly the ability to truly step away from the grueling golden handcuffs or another glass ceiling. 

Let me know if this sounds familiar… 

You know you're meant for more in this life but you're stuck on how to break an upper limit inside your world, one that feels like a crossroad for your heart and tension on your thoughts, at times even questioning:

How did you arrive here...? 

What went so wrong... ?

What off-ramp did life highjack you on...?

to deserve all the stress load
being carried on your shoulders...

You know what you want but you just don't know how
to stop getting into the overwhelm of - How...?!

The frustration is real, imposter syndrome slowly creeps in and it feels like you're standing in your own way.

You need to rise above all the clutter noise in your mind before another nightmare arrives. 


the problem is the knowing to do something, except you just don't know what string to pull...?

- let alone how to cross the bridge to get to the other side. 

You need to figure out the answer to this swirling question:

How can I find my own SELF, again..?

Who is this woman staring back at me in the reflection...? 

And this feels like a huge mountain to climb ask me, how I know what this feels like inside...

You've heard stories of successful women, making it...
having the time their soul craves to go off-grid
enjoying the little things with their families and their friends


you don't know how to make it happen for yourself
to feel that you are no longer an outsider looking in. 

You feel like you're stuck in limbo, swaying on a tight rope, not knowing how to make the first move.

You want to BE in alignment with your life, 
but right now, it feels like an impossible goal.

full stop- this is way too far ahead of the curve...

a quick backstory
the social conditioning: 

people pleasing, perfectionism, over-achiever, self-doubter, enabler by being 'nice' 
and holding back the feelings meanwhile realizing I was putting in way too much and found the quicksand of burnout in 2008

fast forward:
On the 27th of April 2020-
is when I chose to jump off the edge into the exact platform that I utilize daily

to create the next soul realm in life...

I began EMDR in 2008, and had already been in therapy
for 12 years at that point, checking off the boxes of inner-child work, CPTSD healing, mother/father wound, somatic integrations

but- the problem 
> felt very stagnant, comfortable, plateaud...

I had accumulated the pieces to have the complete puzzle except a few were always coming up missing, those middle pieces, for the the whole picture to feel complete

so, I stepped in
to release the edge of comfort

and to alchemize 
to be shifting into experiences-

ones that I longed to living inside of... 

and want to share this with you for you to join me to implement strategies
to overcome obstacles, celebrate achievements,
and continue evolving into your best self.

the entire system is designed to give you permission to sign your own slip in making a clear 
and decisive decision.

IF and When 
you choose to LEAN in
to the unknown 

to date, there's over 2560+ journal entries and can show you how to apply this exact proven system
inside your world, not only from me, but also from thousands since 2012.

to have ONE location: for your learning, for your emotions, for places you feel weak, and places that you feel like you've summited the next peak.

Over the years, not only has this provided me the courage to remove myself  from the good girl conditioning

it also opened up places to dream to achieve goals in collapsing timeframes...

and most importantly, to experience feeling WHOLE

and if I could bottle this up, this medicine, an antidote of some kind, and find the words to describe this-

not sure if I could ever paint this canvas with all the shades in the entire world. 

... this is an invite, Sister, to come with me-

a place of shifting where ever you are standing presently to step into Becoming HER.

The powerful woman that is carrying the burden and weight upon HER shoulders, right now, to slowly begin releasing this all...

... to reach the next summit peak of embracing

the WOMAN waiting on HER arrival

being in alignment with HER true potential, essence and creating a healing effect in this global movement. 

... an adventure that is begging you to step forward to SEE HER, to LOVE HER, and to Welcome HER Home...

What are you waiting for? 

From the Desk of: Lisa Anne

Dear Fellow Sister, 

Re: How To Focus On The Horizon in Moving Forward

Most soul-driven women (mistakenly) believe that...

To build a thriving life it requires to be suffering in isolation, checking off the list of boxes, to be loved, to be seen, to be heard, along with grueling hours until 3am to meet strict deadlines, and unable to have any free time, unless it's after months of sacrifice

... only to feel after she's done all this, she's left empty handed and broken hearted, with mix of feeling guilt, shame, and blame that she's just not able to reach some invisible bar. 

Well, let me break this myth

this is so far from the TRUTH.

... where the truth remains:

by creating clear directional pathways from where you are allows you to begin the process of stepping towards where you want to BE...

... being deeply rooted with God, the Universe, Source, your Higher Self that is welcoming you into the unknown future 

without feeling like you're in 'chase mode' 
attempting to tie shoe laces on a two year old. 

this opens you up emotionally, mentally, physically
- and more importantly, to embrace your creativity 

and actually have time in your day, week, and month 
to create a life beyond your wildest imaginations. 

and with this, comes unlocking a life of greater alignment 
and fulfillment then you ever have believed was possible.

Creating a meaningful impact and reclaiming your time 

so this no longer feels like a distant dream when you're trying to figure out "all-the-things" in living this route, and quite possibly the ability to truly step away from the grueling golden handcuffs or another glass ceiling. 

Let me know if this sounds familiar… 

You know you're meant for more in this life but you're stuck on how to break an upper limit inside your world, one that feels like a crossroad for your heart and tension on your thoughts, at times even questioning:

How did you arrive here...? 

What went so wrong... ?

What off-ramp did life highjack you on...?

to deserve all the stress load
being carried on your shoulders...

You know what you want but you just don't know how
to stop getting into the overwhelm of - How...?!

The frustration is real, imposter syndrome slowly creeps in 
and it feels like you're standing in your own way.

You need to rise above all the clutter noise in your mind
before another nightmare arrives. 


the problem is the knowing to do something,
except you just don't know what string to pull...?

- let alone how to cross the bridge to get to the other side. 

You need to figure out the answer to this swirling question:

How can I find my own SELF, again..?

Who is this woman staring back at me in the reflection...? 

And this feels like a huge mountain to climb
ask me, how I know what this feels like inside...

You've heard stories of successful women, making it...
having the time their soul craves to go off-grid
enjoying the little things with their families and their friends


you don't know how to make it happen for yourself
to feel that you are no longer an outsider looking in. 

You feel like you're stuck in limbo, swaying on a tight rope, 
not knowing how to make the first move.

You want to BE in alignment with your life, 
but right now, it feels like an impossible goal.

full stop- this is way too far ahead of the curve...

a quick backstory: the weakness-
people pleasing, perfectionism, over-achiever, self-doubter, enabler by being 'nice' and holding back the feelings
meanwhile realizing I was putting in way too much
and found the quicksand of burnout in 2008

fast forward: On the 27th of April 2020-
is when I chose to jump off the edge
into the exact platform that I utilize daily

to create the next soul realm in life...

I began EMDR in 2008, and had already been in therapy
for 12 years at that point, checking off the boxes of inner-child work, CPTSD healing, mother/father wound, somatic integrations

but- the problem 
> felt very stagnant, comfortable, plateaud...

I had accumulated the pieces to have the complete puzzle
except a few were always coming up missing, those middle pieces, for the the whole picture to feel complete

so, I stepped in
to release the edge of comfort

and to alchemize 
to be shifting into experiences-

ones that I longed to living inside of... 

and want to share this with you 
for you to join me to implement strategies
to overcome obstacles, celebrate achievements,
and continue evolving into your best self.

the entire system is designed to give you permission 
to sign your own slip in making a clear 
and decisive decision.

IF and When 
you choose to LEAN in
to the unknown 

to date, there's over 2560+ journal entries
and can show you how to apply this exact proven system
inside your world, not only from me, but also from thousands since 2012.

to have ONE location: for your learning, for your emotions, 
for places you feel weak, and places that you feel like you've summited the next peak.

Over the years, not only has this provided me 
the courage to remove myself 
from the good girl conditioning

it also opened up places to dream
to achieve goals in collapsing timeframes...

and most importantly, to experience feeling WHOLE

and if I could bottle this up, this medicine, an antidote of some kind, and find the words to describe this-

not sure if I could ever paint this canvas
with all the shades in the entire world. 

... this is an invite, Sister, to come with me-

a place of shifting where ever you are standing presently 
to step into Becoming HER.

The powerful woman that is carrying the burden and weight upon HER shoulders, right now, to slowly begin releasing this all...

... to reach the next summit peak of embracing

the WOMAN waiting on HER arrival

being in alignment with HER true potential, essence and creating a healing effect in this global movement. 

... an adventure that is begging you to step forward to SEE HER, to LOVE HER, and to Welcome HER Home...

What are you waiting for? 

The Syncing Formula

► Get out of Being on The Edge of Burn out and Get Your Body 'on-line' 

Your Value $521.97

 Activating Freedom, breaking through mindset barriers 
to reach your full potential

 Feel fully supported by aligning your body's 28- day pattern and be empowered in your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment

 Awaken your fierce love and compassion, to take responsibility for your own nourishment, pleasure, creating boundaries and your heart desires

 Find inner balance and peace with a soul-driven approach to creating a life that is spiritually, emotionally, deeply connected, physically and financially activated

 You'll understand the exact steps to take to avoid settling for the same old mundane routines and what to do to break these patterns for good. 

 You'll know how to remove labels that don't belong to you anymore 
legacy wounds, handed by generations before you...
...which opens up doors to live life according to your terms. 

...experience new-found energy, your digestive system operating, and your REM sleep deepening...

... experience new-found energy, your digestive system operating, and your REM sleep deepening...

Good Girl Conditioning > Wild Embodiment

♠️ Break out of Out-Dated Conditioning_ 
8 strategic steps 

Your Value $5,200

 Learn how to use empathy as a source of strength, rather than being overtaken by it inside any exchange of communication 

 Notice when one of the eight traps show up in your world, and have grounded responses to provide clear healthy boundaries for you

 Find inner balance and peace with a soul-driven approach to creating a life that is spiritually, emotionally, deeply connected, physically and financially activated

 You'll understand the exact steps to take to avoid settling for the same old mundane routines and what to do to break these patterns for good. 

 Nurturing Healthy Connections, you'll learn the essential elements of fostering and maintaining healthy and safe relationships

 Exploring attachment styles, gain insight into your attachment style and its impact on your relationships and well-being

 You'll know how to remove labels that don't belong to you anymore handed by generations before you...
...which opens up doors to live life according to your terms. 

...enabling you to stand in full confidence
regardless of what room you enter into...

Online Software Access

► How to Track Your Progress

Your Value $997 per mo

 The background framework is based on: the CBT & DBT model for you completely shatter the glass ceiling in the future and to release non-serving 
patterns of the past

 Create Visions of Your Future, take charge of your future by setting meaningful goals and creating a vision for your life in four foundational pillars. Develop actionable plans to achieve your aspirations and live with soul driven purpose.

 Progress and Transformation, implement strategies to overcome obstacles, celebrate achievements, and continue evolving into your best self.

 Available on desktop, and chrome extension, iPhone, Android, iPad, with additional features of text to type, voice memos, video uploads, DM's and of course, our private group for communication and support. 

... draw the line in the sand, stop looking back
and Create Your Vision Ahead

Added Bonus: Outspoken Woman

►  Integration

Your Value $5,200

 Awaken your wild and feminine nature, through learning about the Carl Jung’s personality theory; focuses on the interplay between the conscious and unconscious mind, universal archetypes, the process of individuation, and psychological types. The theory emphasizes the integration of various aspects of personality to achieve self-realization and encompasses universal and individual dynamics. It forms the foundation for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a widely-used personality test. 

 Awaken your power, your inner authority, and reclaim your Goddess-given sovereignty

 Awaken your fierce love and compassion, to take responsibility for your own nourishment, pleasure, creating boundaries and your heart desires. 

 Go on an adventure to Discover and Destroy your biggest self-sabotaging Lies, your own limiting beliefs, and stories  that are presently holding you caged.

 You'll know how to remove labels that don't belong to you anymore handed by generations before you...
...which opens up doors to live life according to your terms. 

 You'll get a deep dive into the Twelve Archetypes
and learn how to harness each one and to express in real life experiences...

...enabling you to bring your ideas out
for the world to see you...

The Visionary...

Unveiling the Power Within:
A Journey of Creative Transformation

The starting line was in September 12, 2001, shifting from the comfortable route of the pursuit of a safe and steady income in Nursing, to venture in the unknown world of Entrepreneurship.

Seven years later, in the year of 2008, my rock bottom hit me hard when I found myself engulfed in a career that was out of alignment with my true self. A time of spiritual turmoil, and I was working in the mortgage brokering industry. 

But amidst the chaos of the economic collapse, I was also dealing with another devastating setback 
- my second miscarriage, which had no known medical reason behind it.

In the depths of despair, my energy drained away, 
my mind spun in disbelief, my heart shattered, and my body felt burdened by the weight of it all. 

It was in that dark moment that I realized I had to reclaim my power and dismantle the labels that no longer served me.

Determined to find a new path, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I turned to EMDR therapy to delve deep within my soul and uncover the layers that had been suppressing my true self. 

I sought to understand the barriers that prevented me from expressing my authentic emotions and reaching towards who was I, truly...? 

Simultaneously, I engaged in numerous assessments and examinations, attempting to unravel the patterns that led me to repeat cycles that only drained me further. I knew that a transformative change required a reevaluation of my entire existence.

With newfound determination, I shifted my focus towards creating a life filled with purpose and meaning. 

I meticulously began structuring my daily routines, embracing discipline as the cornerstone of my transformation. 

In 2017, I discovered the power of online platforms, where I could foster deep and meaningful connections across the globe. 

By creating a virtual sanctuary, I found a space where my vulnerability became a safety net, providing support in all aspects of my life - financially, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

Through this arduous journey, I learned a profound lesson that resonates with all creative women. It is through embracing our truth, our vulnerabilities, and our authenticity that we unlock a world of unimaginable creativity and success. 

No longer will I allow society's expectations and labels to define me; I am the creator of my own destiny.

As creative women, we possess immeasurable strength and talent, sometimes we just forget. 

Our ability to tap into our innermost selves and share our stories will not only empower us but also uplift others who may be walking similar paths of transformation. 

By embracing vulnerability, we can weave our unique tales of inspiration, awakening the creative force within us and forging a path towards fulfillment.

So, let us stand together, infusing our lives and the world with the transformative power of authenticity and vulnerability.

Together, we can create profound change and unleash the boundless potential that resides within each of us.

...a few kind words
I absolutely love working with Lisa! She is the most responsible and efficient person I've ever worked with. She makes things really simple and pops those funnels like there is no tomorrow. If you are stuck in a techno bubble, you need Lisa to get your brand spinning on top of Google. And if you need help with organic content and free traffic, she will blow your mind with her top notch strategies that most people can't even wrap their mind around. Lisa is an essential piece for a successful digital marketing strategy and her team is simply the best! 
~ Olga 
There's been so many times I wasn't sure what to do or where to begin, and knowing that I could always drop any of my facade and show in all of my mess- 
is priceless for me through all of the twists and turns that I have a place to go even when it feels like mud is all over my face. 

You are my Ride - N- Die- and grateful to have you in my life!!!!

~ Rody
There's been so many times I wasn't sure what to do or where to begin, and knowing that I could always drop any of my facade and show in all of my mess- is priceless for me through all of the twists and turns that I have a place to go even when it feels like mud is all over my face. 

You are my Ride - N- Die- and grateful to have you in my life!!!!

~ Rody
YES!!! I do not know where I would without being surrounded and lifted up by such strong women. Ever since our talk, I have had soooo much clarity and fire that I feel like NOTHING can stop my mission 🙌 ~ Kaci 
I LOVE your work and I look forward to working with you in our next phase of growing business!!!
~ Jerry  

A snippet of results... 

- Love Your Page...
You have helped me so much. 
Please keep feeding me.
...find happiness through it all and I contine to thrive and grow.
... your words of encouragement give me hope for the future. 
... strangers who choose to straighten each others' crowns without knowing the other face to face.
Knowing when you feel safe and in good company is priceless. 

Q & A... 

... extra details

Who is this experience for...? 

Women with a Soul- Centric Purpose. 

Women that are wanting to create a greater impact inside her life, and then inside the collective of humanity as a whole.

Women that are willing to be committed to her personal growth, and releasing places of the upper limits along the way. This process of healing can be a heavy and condensed experience, of navigating life and such- the invitation is here, and we're here to support and guide. 

I'm inside a tough patch of life, will this work for me...? 

Our step-by-step process will guide you through of how to uncover your biggest roadblocks in simple frameworks.

So.. brand new to breaking patterns...?

Are you scared of who you could become...? 
No worries, you're in excellent hands. 

We’ve got you covered, on all of the milestones. 

What about if I fall behind...? 

Everything is self-paced, with the entire system at your fingertips. 

Each lesson is uploaded into your membership site, where you have 24/7 access to everything, and you have access to the community during your experience to chat with others going at the same pace.

If at any time you find it necessary to dedicate a bit more time to any of the milestones- you absolutely can! 

Altho, with commitment to this experience, and choosing you fully, we foresee you being able to gain clarity out of any dilemma you find yourself in, to build a life designed the compass you are holding inside. 

Do I need to be tech savy for the app or the members portal...? 

You'll be given all the resources to support you by Lisa and by the tech support team. Detailed processes of how to begin your interactive journaling experience. 

All journals are able to be saved inside a URL and downloaded as a PDF to create your own living legacy book. 

The private group inside the app, is for women only, and this is SSL protected with an entire team that is dedicated for privacy and security of content. 

Inside the members portal, you'll create your own log-in and is password protected. 

Are there any special requirements inside the group dynamics...?  

YES, to be HONEST and to speak Your Divine Truth, without filters. 

To uphold values that are in the top 3% of first values and first principles of community and the collective.

To do no harm. To uphold the covenant of living a life that is built on reciprocity and co-creation.

To be willing to come on this adventure in creating an impact beyond what you can begin to imagine. 
if you have any additional questions...

email: contact@alphawarriorwomen.com 

Who is this experience for...? 

Women with a Soul- Centric Purpose. 

Women that are wanting to create a greater impact inside her life, and then inside the collective of humanity as a whole.

Women that are willing to be committed to her personal growth, and releasing places of the upper limits along the way. This process of healing can be a heavy and condensed experience, of navigating life and such- the invitation is here, and we're here to support and guide. 

I'm inside a tough patch of life, will this work for me...? 

Our step-by-step process will guide you through of how to uncover your biggest roadblocks in simple frameworks.

So.. brand new to breaking patterns...?

Are you scared of who you could become...? 
No worries, you're in excellent hands. 

We’ve got you covered, on all of the milestones. 

What about if I fall behind...? 

Everything is self-paced, with the entire system at your fingertips. 

Each lesson is uploaded into your membership site, where you have 24/7 access to everything, and you have access to the community during your experience to chat with others going at the same pace.

If at any time you find it necessary to dedicate a bit more time to any of the milestones- you absolutely can! 

Altho, with commitment to this experience, and choosing you fully, we foresee you being able to gain clarity out of any dilemma you find yourself in, to build a life designed the compass you are holding inside. 

Do I need to be tech savy for the app or the members portal...? 

You'll be given all the resources to support you by Lisa and by the tech support team. Detailed processes of how to begin your interactive journaling experience. 

All journals are able to be saved inside a URL and downloaded as a PDF to create your own living legacy book. 

The private group inside the app, is for women only, and this is SSL protected with an entire team that is dedicated for privacy and security of content. 

Inside the members portal, you'll create your own log-in and is password protected. 

Are there any special requirements inside the group dynamics...?  

YES, to be HONEST and to speak Your Divine Truth, without filters. 

To uphold values that are in the top 3% of first values and first principles of community and the collective.

To do no harm. To uphold the covenant of living a life that is built on reciprocity and co-creation.

To be willing to come on this adventure in creating an impact beyond what you can begin to imagine. 
if you have any additional questions...

email: contact@alphawarriorwomen.com 

This Is Your Invitation to...
The Triquetra Collection

Total Value Over~ $25,382
Monthly Subscription for Only $143 per mo.

Ignite Your Soul and Create a Life 
Deeply Connected to Spirit, Your Heart, 
and Your Body in Complete Alignment
This is the Behind-the-Scenes Advantage
Hundreds of Women have applied into their life
escaping the feeling of overwhelm, getting out of toxic situations
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Hundreds of Women have applied into their life
escaping the feeling of overwhelm, getting out of toxic situations
and the keys to experience unlocking the next level of transformation
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